Welcome to my portfolio!

My name is Riaz and I am currently working as a Systems Engineer in GovTech SCTD (Smart City Tech Division). I graduated from NUS with a Computer Engineering degree and now I'm excited to be working on interesting projects here in GovTech. Below you can see a gallery of my past projects as well as my takeaways from them.

I also have a medium page over here


Flutter, BLoC, Pub Package Development, Auth, OneSignal:
Multi-Tenancy SmartFM App

AR/VR, Unity3D, Vuforia10:
Laser Tag App

Neo4j, GraphQL, Ontologies:
Device Management App

Flutter, Data visualisation:
EMeter App

Flutter, MongoDB, EnOS:
Meeting Room Controller

React on Rails:
Todo Web App

Wordpress, PHP, cPanel:
Student life website

Android Studio, Java:
EGSC Money Counting App

Python, Telegram bot, Heroku:
Laundry management system

C#, Unity3D:
Orbital project

C++, Arduino:
Self-navigating mBot

Python, C++, Raspberry Pi,
Arduino, ROS:
Alex, a remote mapping mBot

Skills and Experience

Programming Languages
Javascript, Python
Java, C++
Cypher Query
Frameworks and Tools
Flutter, Android Studio
MERN stack, Bootstrap, EJS
Google firebase and firestore
Unity3D, ARFoundation, Vuforia10
Ruby on Rails, Heroku
Neo4j, GraphQL
GitHub, GitKraken, Google Colab

Contact Me

Email: riazaham01@gmail.com